Cooksey J, Forte G, Benkendorf J, Blitzer M. The state of the medical geneticist workforce: findings of the 2003 survey of the American Board of Medical Genetics certified geneticists. Genetics in Medicine. 2005;7(6).
This summary presented key findings of a survey of medical geneticists that was one component of a three-year national research project, Assessing Genetic Services and the Health Workforce. The goals of the overall project were to do the following: (1) describe current models of providing clinical genetics services; (2) describe the roles of health professionals delivering services; (3) identify measures to monitor changes in demand for services; and (4) establish a framework and baseline description for ongoing and longitudinal studies of genetic services.
Wing P, Langelier MH, Continelli TA, Battrell A. A dental hygiene professional practice index (DHPPI) and access to oral health status and service use in the US. Journal of Dental Hygiene. 2005;79(2).
This article summarized the findings of a national study that developed a statistical Dental Hygiene Professional Practice Index that defined the professional practice environment of dental hygienists (DHs) in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. In addition, it reported the extent to which the index scores were correlated to the number of DHs and dentists, the utilization of dental services, and selected oral health outcomes across the 50 states.
Wing P, O’Grady ET, Langelier MH. Changes in the legal practice environment of NPs, 1992 to 2000. The American Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 2005;9(2):25-37.
This article summarizes the findings of a national study that documented changes in the legal practice environment for nurse practitioners (NPs) between 1992 and 2000. It describes a new NP Professional Practice Index (NP-PPI) for 2000 that more accurately reflects current practice environments than a previous index developed in 1992. In addition it examines relationships between the new NP-PPI scores for each state and the number of NPs, the number of physicians, and access to care for underserved populations.
Wing P, Langelier MH. The future of HIM: employer insights into the coming decade of rapid change. Journal of AHIMA. 2004;75(6):28-32.
HIM has been in transition for more than three decades, but the health care system is now poised for more change in the coming decade than it has experienced in the previous three combined. What must HIM professionals know and do to position themselves for the transformations now on the horizon? Important insights can be gained from companies at the forefront of change in HIM.
Salsberg E, Forte G. Perspective: benefits and pitfalls in applying the experience of prepaid group practices to the U.S. physician supply. Health Affairs Web Exclusive. February 4, 2004.
The paper by Jonathan Weiner included important improvements in the methodology used to compare the physician workforce in prepaid group practices (PGPs) with the U.S. physician workforce. It also provided valuable insights for policymakers and researchers. Despite the improvements, concerns remained regarding the comparability of the populations served and physician activities in PGPs and the country as a whole. While PGPs appeared to offer valuable lessons on how to use physicians effectively and efficiently, it was inappropriate to use the PGP physician rates to determine the number of physicians needed in the U.S.
Wing P, Langelier MH, Continelli TA, Armstrong DP. Who we are: findings from the 2002 member survey. Journal of AHIMA. 2003;74(5):22-30.
Health information management is a fascinating set of professional disciplines, roles, and functions that revolve around information about current and former patients in the health care system. The tasks are as diverse as collecting, organizing, codifying, analyzing, and protecting information that is critical to effective and efficient health care delivery. The survey of AHIMA members completed in 2002 as part of AHIMA’s landmark work force study was an important lens through which to view and understand this important field.
Salsberg ES, Forte GJ. Trends in the physician workforce, 1980-2000. Health Affairs. 2002;21(5):165-173.
Over the past 25 years, the nation has struggled with a series of physician workforce issues: determining the appropriate number of physicians needed and the appropriate number to produce; the role of international medical school graduates; the mix of primary care and non-primary care physicians; efforts to increase the number of underrepresented minorities in medicine and the supply of physicians in rural areas; and the impact of a growing number of female physicians. This paper documented physician workforce trends over the past 20 years, especially as they related to these issues.
Wing P, Salsberg ES. How trends shape the workforce today and tomorrow. Journal of AHIMA. 2002;73(4):38-45.
What forces are propelling the healthcare industry’s prolonged period of change? How are these forces shaping the future of HIM? The roots of the workforce shortage are examined, and trends are revealed that will continue to influence the industry.
Mouzakes J, Koltai PJ, Kuhar S, Bernstein DS, Wing P, Salsberg E. The impact of airbags and seat belts on the incidence and severity of maxillofacial injuries in automobile accidents in New York State. Archives of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery. 2001;127:1189-1193.
A retrospective analysis of all automobile (passenger cars and light trucks) accidents reported in New York in 1994, to evaluate the effect driver-side and passenger-side airbags have on the incidence and severity of maxillofacial trauma in accident victims.
Salsberg ES, Nolan JA. The post-training plans of international medical graduates and U.S. medical graduates in New York State. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2000;283(13):1749-1750.
As a major center for GME in the U.S., the state of New York provides a useful window into the experiences of newly-trained physicians. Although only 7% of the U.S. population resided in New York in 1999, nearly 15% of all allopathic residents and 29% of all IMG residents trained in New York that year. A survey of residents completing training in New York therefore provided a meaningful perspective on the practice patterns and job market experiences of IMGs and USMGs.