Journal Articles

Mouzakes J, Koltai PJ, Kuhar S, Bernstein DS, Wing P, Salsberg E. The impact of airbags and seat belts on the incidence and severity of maxillofacial injuries in automobile accidents in New York State. Archives of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery. 2001;127:1189-1193.

A retrospective analysis of all automobile (passenger cars and light trucks) accidents reported in New York in 1994, to evaluate the effect driver-side and passenger-side airbags have on the incidence and severity of maxillofacial trauma in accident victims.

Salsberg ES, Nolan JA. The post-training plans of international medical graduates and U.S. medical graduates in New York State. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2000;283(13):1749-1750.

As a major center for GME in the U.S., the state of New York provides a useful window into the experiences of newly-trained physicians. Although only 7% of the U.S. population resided in New York in 1999, nearly 15% of all allopathic residents and 29% of all IMG residents trained in New York that year. A survey of residents completing training in New York therefore provided a meaningful perspective on the practice patterns and job market experiences of IMGs and USMGs.

Salsberg ES, Wing P, Dionne MG, Jemiolo D. Graduate medical education and physician supply in New York State. Journal of the American Medical Association. 1996; 276(9):683-687.

A comparison of the number of residents in New York for 1988 and 1994 (from the American Medical Association Medical Education Database) and the number of active patient care physicians in New York by specialty and age (from the 1995 New York State Physician File), conducted to estimate the supply of physicians and residents in New York and assess the impact of state policies on the supply and distribution of physicians.