
Audience: National Nurse-led Care Consortium & National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers Joint Virtual Conference
Date: June 9, 2021, 5:30 pm
Presented by: Kristen Stiegler

Health workforce diversity has important implications for achieving health equity. This poster examines the diversity of nurse practitioners in New York State, including demographic and educational characteristics as well as distribution. Highlighting improvements and remaining challenges, this research is vital for those addressing structural racism, health inequity, and cultural competence in the health workforce.

Download Trends in Nurse Practitioner Diversity in New York State (pdf) - 487 KB

Audience: National Nurse-led Care Consortium & National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers Joint Virtual Conference
Date: June 10, 2021, 6:00 pm
Presented by: David Armstrong

The COVID-19 pandemic has substantially impacted the US health care delivery system and health workforce. This presentation examines how different states responded to health workforce needs during the early stages of the pandemic, to assure an adequate supply of health workers and to expand access to care for needed services.

Download State Responses to Address Health Workforce Needs in the Pandemic (pdf) - 1 MB

Audience: AcademyHealth’s 2021 Annual Research Meeting
Date: June 14-17, 2021
Presented by: Simona Surdu

(Poster #450)
Dental therapy is a relatively new workforce model in which the clinician is trained to perform preventive and basic restorative dental services. This poster describes and compares the type and quantity of services provided by dentists before and after the introduction of dental therapy at Apple Tree Dental in Minnesota, a large non-profit community dental provider. Findings suggest that the introduction of dental therapists to clinical teams enhances capacity and productivity, enabling dental providers to meet increasing demand from patient populations.

Download The Contributions of Dental Therapists to Improved Efficiency and Greater Capacity in the Dental Centers of Apple Tree Dental in Minnesota (pdf) - 260 KB

Audience: AcademyHealth’s 2021 Annual Research Meeting
Date: June 14-17, 2021
Presented by: Jean Moore

(Poster #429)
Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) is a promising agent for both the prevention and arrest of dental caries. Dental hygienists (DHs) are well positioned by training and education to provide preventive services, including application of SDF. This poster examines state-level regulations and dental board opinions related to DHs’ ability to apply SDF, including infographics illustrating state and regional variations. The significant variation in conditions for the application of SDF across states may discourage its integration into practice.

Download State to State Variation in Rules Governing the Application of and Reimbursement for Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) (pdf) - 1 MB

Audience: AcademyHealth’s 2021 Annual Research Meeting
Date: June 14-17, 2021
Presented by: Dustin Moore

(Poster #428)
The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges to health care providers throughout the United States. This poster offers some examples of pandemic-related trends in health workforce issues, such as workforce safety, telehealth, and vaccine information. Examining trends in health workforce issues during the COVID-19 pandemic can help better prepare for future pandemics and to understand pandemic-related changes to the workforce.

Download Examining Trends in COVID-19 and the Health Workforce Through Collecting Media Resources and Conducting Key Informant Interviews (pdf) - 280 KB

Audience: AcademyHealth’s 2021 Annual Research Meeting
Date: June 14-17, 2021
Presented by: Kristen Stiegler

(Poster #448)
Health workforce diversity has important implications for achieving health equity. This poster examines the diversity of nurse practitioners in New York State, including demographic and educational characteristics as well as distribution. Highlighting improvements and remaining challenges, this research is vital for those addressing structural racism, health inequity, and cultural competence in the health workforce.

Download Trends in Nurse Practitioner Diversity in New York State (pdf) - 449 KB

Audience: AcademyHealth’s 2021 Annual Research Meeting
Date: June 17, 2021, 2 pm
Presented by: David Armstrong

The COVID-19 pandemic has substantially impacted the US health care delivery system and health workforce. This presentation examines how different states responded to health workforce needs during the early stages of the pandemic, to assure an adequate supply of health workers and to expand access to care for needed services.

Download State Responses to Address Health Workforce Needs in the Pandemic (pdf) - 215 KB