Anesthesia Services Provided in Hospitals in Upstate New York

Forte GJ and Moore J. Anesthesia Services Provided in Hospitals in Upstate New York. Rensselaer, NY: Center for Health Workforce Studies, April 2014.

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Doctors Across New York Physician Loan Repayment and Physician Practice Support Program Awards 2009 – 2013

Martiniano R, Langelier M, Chung RK, and Forte GJ. Doctors Across New York Physician Loan Repayment and Physician Practice Support Program Awards 2009 – 2013. Rensselaer, NY: Center for Health Workforce Studies, April 2014.

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Health Care Employment Projections: An Analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics Settings and Occupational Projections, 2012-2022

Martiniano R, Surdu S, and Moore J. Health Care Employment Projections: An Analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics Settings and Occupational Projections, 2012-2022. Rensselaer, NY: Center for Health Workforce Studies, May 2014.

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The Oral Health Workforce in New York

Forte GJ, Langelier MH, Armstrong DP, and Continelli T. The Oral Health Workforce in New York. Rensselaer, NY: Center for Health Workforce Studies, August 2014.

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Executive Summary of the Report of Interviews of Oral Health Stakeholders in Maine

Langelier M and Moore J. Executive Summary of the Report of Interviews of Oral Health Stakeholders in Maine. Rensselaer, NY: Center for Health Workforce Studies, School of Public Health, SUNY Albany. November 2012.

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